2 Years & News for the week!

I’ve been so busy this week to write, but the weekend is here!

So on Wednesday, the 12th, my boyfriend and I celebrated 2 years of being together 🙂 Well, technically he is in another province right now, but it marked 2 years, and when he gets back we are going out to a fancy dinner and it’ll be awesome! He already got his gift, a personalized jersey for the Montreal Canadians hockey team hehe. I get mine when he gets back 🙂

I’ve been Christmas shopping already too, got my grandmother and my boyfriend done, working on my mom’s gift next, and just waiting to hear what his family would like. I also got a super awesome phone case for myself, that looks like an old black & white game boy, I will show pics when it gets here hehe. Might as well protect my case and look geeky at the same time right?

I finally got myself a new card for the library, and it’s awesome because you can rent eBooks online and put it directly onto your reader for a few weeks. I’m reading my first one now and it’s awesome, saves me money! Only problem is they need ti build their collection a bit more, but it will definitely get more popular. A few books I am on a waiting list for though lol, there’s just so many I want to read.

Also I joined Goodreads, to keep track of how many I read, get recommendations and keep track of what to read next, it’s pretty awesome! The links to my account are on the right sidebar, and if anyone has more recommendations let me know!

And that’s all the news for now! Will try to keep blogging, but will definitely be doing so during the read-a-thon!

Don’t forget to sign up!!

One comment on “2 Years & News for the week!

  1. Congrats on your anniversary!
    I love borrowing ebooks from the library too, except I don’t always get to finish them before they’re due. Glad you’re having fun with Goodreads.
    Good luck with the read-a-thon!

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