In My Mailbox (10)

This is a weekly event hosted by The Story Siren, and a way to feature books that you receive during the week, either by mail, library, purchasing them, etc.

In The Mail:

Here I have the two books that I won from the lovely Paperback Daydreamer’s contest last month. Thank you!!

That’s all I got this week, I know there is one book in the mail that is on its way to me, and I’m waiting for a few books at the library right now. Must not buy for a while!

5 comments on “In My Mailbox (10)

  1. The Night Huntress series is so good, Kelsey! You are in for a treat.

    I’m trying not to buy too many books either. Thank goodness for the library.

    Happy reading!

  2. Pingback: TGIF (5)-Book Appeal « Kelsey's Cluttered Bookshelf

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