Bout of Books 8.0: Bookish Wishes Challenge

Bout of Books

I am hosting a challenge this year! This is the first time I’ve even done that, so I hope you enjoy! Below are some rules, so make sure to follow all of them.

  • This is for participating members of Bout of Books 8 only! You must also be signed up with a direct link on their page!
  • It is international. You must be 18 years or over.
  • Prize is one book up to a value of $15 CAD
  • This lasts today only! Ends at Midnight CST. Winner has until the end of the read-a-thon on Sunday to respond, or I pick a new winner.
  • If you don’t follow all of the steps and comment as well as fill out the rafflecopter, you aren’t entered.

What you have to do:

  1. Comment below with your answer to one the following question, make sure to leave the name you entered bout of books with in your comment (if you don’t leave the name I don’t count you as an entry). You can choose either question or both.
  2. After your comment, fill out the quick rafflecopter form so I can contact you if you win.

Question 1: If you could be like any character from a fictional book, who would it be? What do you like about them?Tell me why!


Question 2: There’s lots of books out there, but is there one that you’ve been dying to read that doesn’t seem to be written yet? Describe it briefly.

Fill out this Rafflecopter This Giveaway is now closed.

Make sure you’ve done both of these steps to be entered to win the prize!

63 comments on “Bout of Books 8.0: Bookish Wishes Challenge

  1. Here’s my challenge post. Here’s my answer:
    I think I might like to be Katsa. She is fearless, smart, gorgeous, strong, a fighter, and she has Po’s complete heart. I just like her all around too even though she has some insecurities and I think she should marry Po. 🙂

  2. If you could be like any character from a fictional book, who would it be? What do you like about them?Tell me why!

    I would like to be Mercy Thompson because she is strong and courageous but still can show a lot of compassion, i admire her mental strength and abnegation. Her powers are more than interesting but she doesn’t use them for profit and she has the perfect soulamete Adam, attentive, protective but not controlling and also so loyal and persistant *______* my soulmate dream. he didn’t leave her after her struggles and it’s something that means a lot to me

    miki-Lecture toute une aventure ( number 369 on the sign up list of the bout of books 8.0)

    thank you for this challenge, i liked it!

  3. I’m sure there’s already a book like this out there but I really want to read a book with the following aspects:
    – Young Adult genre
    – Extremely heartbreaking and beautiful
    – A love story
    – Where the girl isn’t annoying
    – And the guy isn’t perfect
    – And the girl doesn’t get whiny and catty about everything the guy does
    I just think that in EVERY YA book that I read, the girl is never understanding. They always jump to conclusions and think like “OMG he cheated on me!” when the guy is CLEARLY doing something nice for her. I don’t know, maybe it’s just me, but sometimes I just really wanna punch the female protagonists. :/


  4. Question 2: I have been looking for another series like Harry Potter ever since I read the last book but have yet to find it. I want a series with so wonderful plot and world and characters!

  5. Pingback: Book Bunny's Burrow

  6. Question #1: The literary character I would most like to be is Elizabeth Bennett from Pride & Prejudice. Not only does she get Mr. Darcy but she is her own person at a time when women were defined by their parents or their husbands. Kudos to Jane Austen for writing such an awe inspiring character.

    Lauren@The Hottie Harem

  7. Question #2: I can’t answer this one because I’d be giving away the book I’m writing, LOL!! Hopefully, one day it will be exactly what I hope it is going to be, and that everyone will love reading it…everyone..ha, wishful thinking, I know ;).

    So, that leaves me with Question #1: The literary character I would most like to be: Perhaps I’d have to say Juliette from the “Shatter Me” Series by fabulous author Tahereh Mafi. Juliette is such a strong character, her words are beautiful and poetic, and she has two hot men wanting her, LOL. Need I say more?

    Awesome challenge, Kelsey!!

    -Jen @ Written En Vogue

  8. Question #1: I think I would want to be like Catherine from Jeaniene Frost’s Night Huntress series. She’s strong, she kicks butt, AND she gets to sleep with Bones. I mean, it’s a win/win all around.

  9. 1. I would wish to be Elinor Dashwood (Sense & Sensibility). She is always so calm, loyal, and in control of herself no matter what situation she finds herself in. And she is so ladylike even when insulted.She has perfect manners. She is the “good guy” who, contrary to popular belief, finishes first.This is in stark contrast to myself who would have lashed out at societie’s upperclass when try to remind me of “my place” in society. And when face with losing my love to another woman, she becomes my rival and I fight tooth and nail for who I believe should be mine.- Nerdy Niqabi

    2. I would love to have a book written in first person dealing with the dark side of marriage and children, and all that goes with it.I went from having a very active social life to having nobody but my husband and chiIdren. My family and friends checked out when I married and had children.I was, and still am, very lonely without female friends or family support.There were no visitors at births or birthdays.Its just me, my husband, and our children-and that has been very damaging mentally.It would be nice to know that Im not alone and what I could do to make my situation better.Its not as easy as just going out and making new friends.Its much much more complicated. -Nerdy Niqabi

  10. Question 1; Ok, so I am going to geek out a bit. I have always wanted to be Batman. I have always loved the cars, and gadgets. I also love how he keeps to the shadows and fights injustice. I am very much a loner (outside of my family that is) and I’m a night person. I know this is childish but out of all the characters I have read over the years I still want to be Batman

    Chris@ Brunner’s Bookshelf

  11. Question 2: There’s lots of books out there, but is there one that you’ve been dying to read that doesn’t seem to be written yet? Describe it briefly.

    I’m waiting on The One by Kiera Cass. I read the first two thinking it was just a book with a sequel but am finding out the hard way it is a trilogy. It is about a girl who is put into the Selection and picked to try to win the Prince’s heart. She has conflicting emotions throughout the whole time and in the final book she has to decide where her heart lies now they she is down to the final 3 girls.

  12. Question 1: I’d love to be Kate Daniels from the series by Ilona Andrews. She’s strong and kickass and sarcastic and doesn’t take any crap from other people. She can stand on her own against anyone! Not to mention, she’s about to be married to the Beast Lord of Atlanta! Yeah, her life is full of danger and she’s never sure how long she’ll last and her dad is out to kill her, but I still want to be her!

  13. I answered the first question: If you could be like any character from a fictional book, who would it be? What do you like about them?Tell me why!

    I think I would like to be like Caitrin from Heart’s Blood by Juliet Marillier. I like the fact that she grows stronger during the book, that she never looses hope even in the hardest of times and she’s a fighter. She’s a good friend and someone who places those she loves above anything else. She’s very human in every single way.

    I’ve also posted it on my blog for the Bout of Books Day 6 post:

    XX Ner

  14. I’m only going to answer question 1 because I really can’t think of a book that I want to read and that hasn’t been written yet. Which is good cause I already have too many on my TBR pile… And I guess I ended up answering question 2 didn’t I?

    As for question 1, I would like to be Jane Eyre cause she is my all time favorite heroine. She’s strong, passionate, selfless and has a very strong sense of right. She leaves everything behind, including the man she loves because she can’t condone with the circumstances she knows are wrong. And when given a way out she refuses to accomodate. If she cannot be with the one she loves, she knows she will be happier alone. So, yeah, I would very much like to be her. Plus, she does get her happy ending!

    Landslide @ Tantos Livros Tão Pouco Tempo

  15. Question 2
    I would like to see a book about a robot/replicant/android female (gynoid?) who works in the medical field or childcare/education. I want her to witness some sort of disaster-alien invasion-great earthquake-new disease that kills quickly and horribly. I want it to be something she can’t solve with superior physical strength or guns. She has to use her brain to come to a solution. And I want her to work with some sort of team. Maybe have difficulty being heard/communicating with people who don’t like her. Basically I want to see how a person like her would think and work with others. Never seen anything that comes close to this idea.
    I signed up as Bena Lescano

  16. If I could be any fictional character from a book, I think I would be Hermione from Harry Potter! She is so smart and interesting!! And she has great friends 🙂
    (Entered in Bout of Books as Rikki S)

  17. If I could be any character from any book, I think I would be Quinn from the Dusk Gate Series by Breeana Puttroff. Quinn finds this whole other world hidden in the shadows of her little town, and goes through a gate and gets to have all kinds of adventures. And then, she finds out she really is a princess and is meant to rule this part of this other world. I think that would be amazing and all kinds of fun. Plus she gets this amazing guy who treats her like gold. Perfect!

  18. Boutofbooks entry# 377. Ana Caroline

    I’m going to give two answers to question 2:

    The first book that I wanted to read It would be about a main gay character. It would be a fantasy book and would be some kind of a retelling of a fairy tail or something like ‘Wicked by Gregory Maguire’ but with a dash of romance in it.
    (I really don’t know if this book exist or something similar, but from what I’ve search, I found nothing, so ~)

    The second is a gay retelling of Pride and Prejudice! HAHEHAH 🙂

  19. Q. 1 if I could be any fictional character it would probably be Anna from Anna and the French Kiss. I would pick her because she actually seems to have a pretty awesome life. She has struggles just like other do, but in the grand scheme of things, they are not bad.

    Name used for signups: LisaILJ @ I’ll Tumble for YA

  20. Question 1: I’ve recently delved into the cyborg/android world of YA and love it. So I would want to be Mila (from Mila 2.0) or Cinder (from Lunar Chronicles). Both of them are super strong female characters with really cool quirks, like Mila’s super attention to detail and Cinder’s ability to tell when people are lying to her.

    Signed up as Janie E @ Fortune Favors the Brave 🙂

  21. Ooh, question one is so hard to narrow down but I think I’ll say I’d like to be Claire from the Outlander series. The main reason would of course be Jamie Fraser! 😉 Plus I do love how her character is strong, loyal, and quite intelligent.

    I signed up for Bout of Books as Under a Gray Sky/ jen @ underagraysky

  22. I would love to be Alanna from the Lioness Quartet by Tamora Pierce. She’s not afraid to be a woman and a fighter and has many love interests. She’s not tied down to the norms of her time and is successful when she puts her mind to it.

  23. I would love to be like Katsa from Graceling because she’s strong and powerful but still has compassion for other people. She can take care of herself and everyone around her but doesn’t seem unfeeling like some other strong book heroines. I think she is amazing!

    Suz Reads in signup

  24. I would want to be Shona from Timemasters Series by Geralyn Beauchamp. There are alot of things that happen to her I wouldn’t like but at the same time it would be cool to find out that once you are bonded to the mate you are destined for you can travel to all these different times and places and fix things that have gone awry in human history. And that your mission is to help keep Earth from destroying itself along with all the other Timemasters and their mates that preceeded and will follow you.

  25. 1) I’d like to be like Hermione Granger. Not in every way, but she’s smart and seems to take knowledge on quite easily, which is something I’d like to be able to do.

  26. Question 1: Hmmmm.. this is hard, but since I just re-watched the “The Hunger Games” I must choose Katniss. When I read the books, I just thought she was so cool, and so brave and strong and fearless. She kicks some ass, I want to kick some ass too!!! I’m totally Team Gale though!!!

    signed up as: Adri @ Adri’s Thoughts

  27. Q1: This is not hard for me at all. I absolutely would pick Hermione Granger from Harry Potter. I love her wit and her bravery. She is loyal to her friends and I loved the way she grew up in the series. She is totally badass too when it comes to fighting the dark lord. I love her!

    I entered Bout of Books as Jenna @ Little Bird Reads

  28. Question #1: I would like to be like Lia from The River of Time Series by Lisa T. Bergren. Even though she is thrown into a whole new world, she is able to stand up for herself and does her best to adept as best as possible. She doesn’t rely on a guy for help all the time, but does know when she needs help. She is phenomenal with a bow and arrow. Plus, she gets to hang out with Luca Forelli!

    Signed up as Kate (Too Read or Not Too Read)

  29. Question 1: If you could be like any character from a fictional book, who would it be? What do you like about them?Tell me why!

    I would want to be like Alanna from the Song of the Lioness series by Tamora Pierce. I read this series as a young girl, instantly gravitating towards her fierceness and independence. I’ve always hoped that placed in such a situation that I follow my heart no matter what society dictated or expected from me. She also understood herself enough to make very hard choices as both a knight and woman, definitely a person to emulate.

    I’m signed up as #139 Christina @mylifeinbooks

  30. Question #1: Having just finished the Harry Potter series, I would have to say Hermione Granger. I have always identified strongly with her as I discussed in one of my 30 Day Book Challenge posts. She is smart and interesting, but she isn’t perfect.

  31. Answer #1: Lor from the Fever series by Karen Marie Moning. Ryodan is my favorite, and I feel for Barrons, but they’re so full of drama or responsibilities. Lor is sex, food and kills. He’s basically immortal, and has no regrets. He’s full of life and joy. Honestly happy, ugh, whatever he is. I love characters like Hermione Granger or Katniss, but why would I want to be them? I want happiness! I want to have a blast.

    Camila @ Alive or Undead (#180)

  32. Here is my answers, I tried to answer both, since I found both questions quite interesting:

    Q1: Ananna from The Assassin’s Curse by Cassandra Rose Clarke. A girl with a grumpy temper, but who took her destiny in her own hands, and lived quite a few adventures. And she kicks ass at it.

    Q2: There are many kinds of things I’d like to read, but haven’t found yet – one that comes easily to mind is a world and a story rather like Dark Angel, the series with Jessica Alba. I was a huge fan of that series, I loved the dystopian-like setting, the sci-fi aspect, the intrigue, the kick-ass heroine, the funny sidekicks, the underground and underdog aspect… I want to read something like that, and I seem to haven’t found it yet.

    Participant #422: p7 @ Bookeater/Booklover

    Thank you for hosting the challenge! 😀

  33. I decided to do question 1.

    If I could be any fictional character, I think that I would probably have to choose Tessa Gray from the Infernal Devices trilogy by Cassandra Clare. Not only does she end up with two extremely cute boys but she is strong, loyal, funny, intelligent, and extremely courageous. I have admired her character from book one.

    And she also gets the boys. Did I mention that already?

  34. Question 1: If you could be like any character from a fictional book, who would it be? What do you like about them?Tell me why

    Answer: If I could be any character I think I’d be Annabeth from the Percy Jackson series. I like that she is the daughter of Athena, Goddess of Wisdom. She’s tough and can fight with a knife, a knife! That’s like the most difficult weapon to master. She’s an inventor and battle strategist and doesn’t apologize for being tougher than the boys. Annabeth does wait like a damsel to be saved by Percy, she saves herself. Yet, she still shows emotion and does care for Percy and her friends. She’s a great character that’d I’d love to be like.

    Name: Dee @ Dee’s Reads #63

  35. Question 1:

    I’d like to be more like Hermione from the Harry Potter series – she’s smart, brave, and a good friend, but she also stands up for what she believes in and doesn’t care what anyone else thinks. She’s completely awesome!

    Bout of Books: Kimberly @ Love YA Books

  36. Pingback: Bout of Books 8.0: Start-Up and Goal Post | Reading In Winter

  37. As I love a good tragedy, I would not like to be in the shoes of many of my characters, but I could walk awhile in the shoes of Olivia from the Cedar Cove Series by Debbie Macomber. Olivia’s life is far from perfect, but she is surrounded with wonderful friends and family as well as a beautiful setting, Cedar Cove, Washington. She is soft spoken and loving and I picture her as beautiful inside and out.
    Bout of Books Name: Belle @ Dilettantish Reader

  38. Question 2: I believe in the philosophy of authors writing the books they’d want to read. I try to do that, for better or worse, whenever I write. That said, there are definitely stories I wouldn’t know how to write. Currently, the book I would want to read that doesn’t exist would be a biography of Joseph Freud, marginally better known to the world today as Joseffy. He’s the one with the fabulous mustache on my blog’s wallpaper. I’m appropriating him for my historical fiction novel, but I wish there was a real biography of Joseffy. Born in Vienna in 1873 (maybe a relative of Sigmund Freud, maybe a relative of Franz Joseph), he had a falling out with his parents as a teenager, traveled Europe, came to America, learned magic, traveled with the Lyceum lecture circuit, gave up performing to found his own company and work on electrical and mechanical inventions, and after he retired, he was (supposedly) involved in the US’s technological efforts in WWII. Up until his death in 1946, he was still visiting friends in the US and Mexico and occasionally, very occasionally, presenting his best known trick, the Skull of Balsamo. Plus, by all accounts, he was a bit of a nut (in a good way). I hope I can do him justice with my caricature, but I’m a little sad that he or someone else never recorded his adventures.

    Signed up as Katherine @ The Writerly Reader
    And apologies for not reading instructions carefully. Can you delete the other comment, please, please, please…?

  39. Great questions! I think that I’d like to be a little bit more like Tris from the Divergent series. She is so brave and strong…I wish that I had a little bit more of that in me! I always get super frightened in scary situations. I look up to somebody like her, because she is able to overcome those fears.

  40. 1. I think I’d be Anne Elliot from Persuasion by Jane Austen. She’s so giving and willing to put everyone before herself, but the older she gets the more confident she gets and I love that. She’s a good friend, a devoted sister, and becomes a woman of great character worth fighting for. I love it and I sincerely wish I could be more like her.

    Nicole @Infusions of Wit from an Everyday Girl

  41. Question 1

    This one was tough because I prefer to read darker books that don’t always have a HEA, and while I enjoy reading them, I don’t know that I would want to experience anything like that! But if I had to pick just one character to be like, I would choose Molly Weasley. She has a husband who adores her, a large and loving family, and her priorities are always taking care of those that she loves. Plus, she’s a witch with the most awesome magical gadgets in her house!

    Bout of Books entry #299 Donna @ The Happy Booker

  42. Question 1: This may be cliche, but I would love to be like Katniss from The Hunger Games because she is very independent and doesn’t take crap from anyone. She can hold her own. She has trust issues, but she always makes it work. (:

    “Andrea Rose” on the Bout of Books Linky!

  43. Also, I tried to fill out the Rafflecopter, but it says that the giveaway ended. You stated that we had until midnight CST to enter. I’m in central time and it’s still before midnight. It’s 11:32 PM. I would really like to enter. I already commented with my answer to question 1, but I’m unable to fill out the Rafflecopter. 😦

I love comments! Feel free to leave one, and if it doesn't show up right away don't worry, I just have to approve it.