Review: Kinslayer by Jay Kristoff


Title: Kinslayer (Lotus War #2)

Author: Jay Kristoff

Release Date/Publisher: September 17th 2013 by Thomas Dunne Books

Finished: July 26th 2013

Pages: 448-eBook-ARC given for review


  1. Stormdancer
  2. Kinslayer
  3. Endsinger


The mad Shōgun Yoritomo has been assassinated by the Stormdancer Yukiko, and the threat of civil war looms over the Shima Imperium. The toxic blood lotus flower continues to ravage the land, the deadlands splitting wider by the day. The machine-worshippers of the Lotus Guild conspire to renew the nation’s broken dynasty and crush the growing rebellion simultaneously – by endorsing a new Shōgun who desires nothing more than to see Yukiko dead.

Yukiko and the mighty thunder tiger Buruu have been cast in the role of heroes by the Kagé rebellion. But Yukiko herself is blinded by rage over her father’s death, and her ability to hear the thoughts of beasts is swelling beyond her power to control. Along with Buruu, Yukiko’s anchor is Kin, the rebel Guildsman who helped her escape from Yoritomo’s clutches. But Kin has his own secrets, and is haunted by visions of a future he’d rather die than see realized.

Kagé assassins lurk within the Shōgun’s palace, plotting to end the new dynasty before it begins. A waif from Kigen’s gutters begins a friendship that could undo the entire empire. A new enemy gathers its strength, readying to push the fracturing Shima imperium into a war it cannot hope to survive. And across raging oceans, amongst islands of black glass, Yukiko and Buruu will face foes no katana or talon can defeat.

The ghosts of a blood-stained past.

What I thought:

I received this ebook from the publisher for a fair review, thank you!

I remember that I did like the first book, and although I did mention that it was slow and there were tons of descriptions, that writing style grows on you after reading more. The settings and characters in the author’s world definitely expand more than the first book and the story really builds nicely too, and I found myself enjoying this one even more! With everything that goes on in this book I just kept wanting to read more too. The ending and how everything turned out was so awesome, especially certain twists that were added, especially one involving Yukiko near the end of the book.

There are multiple POVs from different characters, all who play an important role to the development of this story. From Yukiko and Buruu, to the future Shogun, Kin, and other members of the Kagé who are trying to make a difference. Some of them characters we didn’t meet before, but I loved seeing all sides of the story.

I won’t go into the story so as not to ruin anything though, but I will thank whoever put together a character map at the beginning! There was no way I would have been able to remember each character from the first book without it. The maps were hard to see on my Kobo screen, but I’m sure in the final paper print they’d help a lot too.

Honestly if you want a good book with samurai, a corrupt government, rebels, lots of action and legendary creatures mixed with a bit of steampunk, then go get this book! But of course make sure to read the first book too! Highly recommended.

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