Bout of Books Giveaway!

Bout of Books Read-a-Thon
I hope everyone one has had an awesome time participating in the read-a-thon so far! This is the last day, and I wanted to offer a giveaway for all those who are participating.
Here are the details:
  • The prize: one person can win up to $20 CAD towards a book of your choice from the Book Depository.
  • This is International, so everyone can enter, as long as they ship to you.
  • Ends at midnight tonight CST (or 1am EST tomorrow)
  • One entry person.
  • Only those people signed up for Bout of Books can enter, since this is for the read-a-thon.
  • To enter, fill out the form below. 
  • I will post the winner on Monday evening, and they will have a week to respond, or I will have to choose someone else. So make sure you double check your spelling when entering!

If you have any questions, please direct them to the Bout of Books team on twitter @boutofbooks. I am actually away today, and will be back tomorrow!

A big thank you to everyone who has made this an awesome week for me!

This contest is now closed. The winner is:

Megan @Book brats! I will be emailing you soon!

5 comments on “Bout of Books Giveaway!

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